The Mandeville School

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Being part of The Insignis Academy Trust has opened up a world of new opportunities and enabled The Mandeville School to rethink its sixth form provision.

Sixth Form Information

The Mandeville School has joined forces with its partner school Princes Risborough School to offer over 30 courses to prospective students, more than double the number we have previously been able to offer.

Students can follow one of three pathways

  • Three A level courses
  • Three BTEC courses
  • A blend of the above

This will enable new sixth formers to truly flourish as they follow the pathway that enables them to access the higher education course, training or career to which they aspire.

To find more about the diversity of exciting courses available, the entry requirements and how to apply, Check out the links below or scan the QR code below:

Sixth Form Induction Meeting Information


