The Mandeville School

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Applying for a place

When & How

The admissions window for people seeking a place at secondary opens as soon as your child starts Year 6 at primary school.

It closes at the end of October, and you will find out where your child has a place at the start of March (1st March 2024 for people who have applied for a place for September 2024).

Applications for school places are made directly through the Buckinghamshire County Council website:

Children are admitted to The Mandeville School in accordance with the Buckinghamshire Council admissions criteria.

The Mandeville School's own Admissions Policy is HERE

Parents applying for a place should refer to the Department for Education’s guidance on Moving Up to Secondary School.

If you get a place

Children who are allocated a place at The Mandeville for September 2024 will get the opportunity to take part in transition events during the summer term of next year, as well as attending a summer school in the August before they start.

These events are designed to ease any anxiety that children might feel about starting at 'big school' so that they can hit the ground running when they start with us.

We never underestimate how daunting the step up to secondary can be for some, which is why we work hard to support children who are joining us.

Unhappy with the place you are offered?

You can appeal to Buckinghamshire County Council if you are unhappy with the place you are offered at the start of March.

A school will usually only refuse a child a place if the school has received more applications than they have places available.

The deadline for making an appeal is usually around four weeks from the day you are offered your place.

All the information about making an appeal can be found HERE.

Still need help?

If you have any questions about the school or the admissions process, then please get in touch with us through the Contact us page.